Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Final Project- Enviormental Landscapes

Artist Statement:
            For my final project, I aimed to show landscapes in a different and unique way. I wanted to show how humans/people have influenced and have dramatically changed the landscape and nature. I wanted to show how people have encroached on the environment and the environment will forever be changed. My final project links to the genre of landscape photography and even documentary photography, with Ansel Adams being an influence on my final images. From my research on Ansel Adams, I have learned that he not only wanted to show how landscapes have changed over time, but also the effects that man has had environment. From Ansels photographs I took the contrast and compositions and used them to find interesting compositions in the locations that I photographed.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Van Dyke- Narrative

Artist Statement:
 The Van Dyke narrative sequence project allowed me to tell a story about my childhood. When I was young, my siblings & I would play games including guess who, cherries, and cards. The only game that we did not play was chess. But yet we had this beautiful chess set that even included animals as the props.  I wanted to show how this game was set up and displayed, but yet we never played it and therefore was afterthought to the many games we did play.  I would say Eduard Muybridge inspired me with his series of galloping horses.  I wanted to express that even when something is not used or put of to the side, it is still beautiful and  can tell a story in some way.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cyanotypes-Distored Body

Artist Statement:
I wanted to experience making a cyanotype. I wanted to see how to achieve the blue tones in an image. I used my mother’s body to create an interesting disjointed body form. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to do parts of the body, which would include ears, mouth, hands, and feet. I decided to show the brushwork because I think it fits well with my images.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Image & Text

Image & Text- "I Pray For You" Big & Rich

Artist Statement:
The song “I Pray For You” by Big & Rich was my inspiration. From the song, I took away the images of praying, candles burning, a gravestone, and walking back to someone. The text/lyrics and the imagery had deeper meaning to me, because I wanted it to be about my grandpa and losing him, being okay without him but knowing he is still there for me in a different way, and showing that things go on, but he will not be forgotten. The aim of the Image & Text project was to have a photographic meaning that incorporated text.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Project: Film Stills- Get Smart (Remake)

Film Stills- Get Smart

                                           My Images                                                                           Movie

Link to Film:

Artist Statement:
I wanted to emulate/replicate the film stills from the movie “Get Smart”, the remake. I wanted to show the relationship between the partnerships of the two main characters. I also wanted the backgrounds to not be the first thing that a person sees in the photograph, but at the same time, I wanted to keep the backgrounds interesting with a slight blur and having different backgrounds for each photograph. The aim or goal for this project was to find inspiration from an artist, to find a film, and then portray the characters in it and capturing the moments before the film cameras start to roll.